Flax Art Exhibit Opening Reception
at East Barnard Church
Meet the artists!


Flax Art Exhibit (11 artists) Opening Reception at East Barnard Church
(parking available across from the church on Allen Hill Rd and along Broad Brook Rd.)

Meet the artists!

Learn more

See workshop highlights here

About Germana Tack, May artist in residence here

Refreshments provided


Flax Art Exhibit (11 artists) at East Barnard Church
(a short walk from the Community Hall)

Flax Field open (a short walk from the Community Hall)

10:30 – Demos at Community Hall

11:30 – Flax Artists Share About Their Work (East Barnard Church)

12:00 – Old Time Music – Randy Leavitt and Friends on Community Hall porch

12:30 – Demos at Community Hall

2:00 – Artist in Residence Abira Ali talk (in Community Hall)

3:00 – Demos at Community Hall

food will be available in the lower level of the Community Hall


Flax Art Exhibit (11 artists) at East Barnard Church
(a short walk from the Community Hall)

Flax Field open (a short walk from the Community Hall)

10:30 – Demos at Community Hall

11:30 – Artist in Residence Abira Ali talk (in Community Hall)

12:00 Old Time Music – Randy Leavitt and Friends on Community Hall porch

12:30 – Demos at Community Hall

1:00- Flax Artists Share About Their Work
at East Barnard Church (a short walk from the Community Hall)

2:00- Art Exhibit Jury Selection Announced / People’s choice announced at East Barnard Church (a short walk from the Community Hall)

3:00 – Demos at Community Hall

food will be available in the lower level of the Community Hall

East Barnard Linen Fair
East Barnard Linen Fair
East Barnard Linen Fair
East Barnard Linen Fair
We are very proud to now be in our Third Annual East Barnard linen fair and sharing this with the community. This year also offers even more with the introduction of  the Flax Art Exhibition opening on Friday 6-8 pm , as well as throughout the rest of the weekend to visit

– Robin Maynard Seaver – Co Founder